A sum of Rs 2 crore will be given to family of the 35-year-old woman who died in the stampede at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre this month, where a special screening of Telugu actor Allu Arjun‘s movie, ‘Pushpa 2: The Rise‘ – at which the actor made an appearance – was to be held.
The announcement was made by the actor’s father, Allu Arvind, Wednesday afternoon.
Mr Arvind, a filmmaker, told reporters half the sum, Rs 1 crore, will be paid by his son and the rest divided between the film’s producers, Mythri Movie Makers, and the director, Sukumar.
The money will serve as a measure of compensation for the family, Mr Arvind said, adding the amount is also meant secure the future of the woman’s eight-year-old son, Sri Tej, who suffered grievous injuries and had to be put on assisted breathing device in hospital.
“… to support the family and the boy, after he comes out of hospital, we thought we should support them with the amount of Rs 2 crore… to be handed over Dil Raju (the Chairperson of the Telangana Film Development Corporation),” Allu Arvind said, explaining he had asked Mr Raju to handle this issue as his family’s lawyers had warned against contact with the grieving family.
“We are thankful (to Dil Raju) for being an intermediary between the family and ourselves.”
The actor’s father also said he had spoken to doctors treating the boy, and had been told the child is recovering. “We are pleased to know the ventilator has been removed and he is breathing on his own. Doctors are positive… We wish he will soon walk with us… That is our belief and our prayer.”
Mr Arjun – who was charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and then arrested, sent to jail for 14 days, and released on bail, all in a few hours on December 13 – had earlier donated Rs 25 lakh, while the film’s director had offered Rs 5 lakh as compensation.
The boy’s father, meanwhile, spoke to NDTV this week and said he attached no blame to Allu Arjun and that he is still ready to withdraw the police case he had filed. His daughter, he said, has not been told of her mother’s death. “We have told her she has gone to the village. She has no idea…” he said.
READ | “Daughter Doesn’t Know…”: ‘Pushpa 2’ Stampede Victim’s Husband
The father made similar comments immediately after Allu Arjun’s arrest; he told reporters, “I am ready to withdraw the case…. Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away.”
READ | “Will Drop Case”: Husband Of Woman Killed In ‘Pushpa 2’ Stampede
The actor was questioned by the cops on Tuesday; he was summoned to the city’s Chikkadpally Police Station at 11 am and was grilled till nearly 3 pm. Among the questions put to him were:
- Did you know police permission had been denied for you to come to the premiere?
- Who took the call to proceed with the plan (for the actor to attend the special screening) despite denial of police permission?
- Did any police officer inform you about the stampede outside?
- When did you know about the death of the woman?
The police believe the stampede was triggered by Allu Arjun making an unannounced appearance at the theatre. As news of his arrival spread, a mob of adoring fans jostled, pushed, and shoved each other for a glimpse of the star, and the woman died in that confusion.
Allu Arjun’s team has contested that claim; last week they released a copy of a letter they said had been sent to the police on December 2, 48 hours before Mr Arjun’s arrival at the theatre, in which they mentioned the actor, other cast members, and the director would be present.
READ | After Allu Arjun’s Arrest, Letter Contradicts Cops’ “No Info” Claim
The police, though, dismissed the letter, saying that it, in itself, was not enough, and had to be backed by the actor’s team and the theatre management meeting the cops to provide details.
The police alleged Mr Arjun arrived at the theatre at 9.30 pm and held an impromptu roadshow – waving to fans from the sunroof of his car – as he did so, and that this was against their advice.
READ | In Stampede Row, CCTV Shows Cops Escorting Allu Arjun From Theatre
He then reportedly spent 15-20 minutes outside the theatre, during which time the crowd swelled, before disappearing inside. The stampede broke out shortly thereafter and was aggravated, the police have alleged, by the ‘reckless’ actions of Mr Arjun’s security team and the theatre’s bouncers.
Allu Arjun, however, has firmly denied any responsibility for the stampede, pointing out he has no control over the actions of others and that the police had been informed of his movements.
READ | “Misinformation, Character Assassination”: Actor Allu Arjun On Stampede Row
“I just waved to people and went inside. No cop asked me to leave… my manager told me there is a crowd and asked me to leave,” he said, describing the incident as “very unfortunate” and criticising what he called “misinformation” and “character assassination” against him.
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